Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Parrots Need Nurturing Too

E received a Fur Real Parrot for Christmas from his Nan. He's been asking for this crazy thing for the last 3 years. Thankfully Nan gave him the smaller "baby" parrot and not the huge squawking, talking parrot. E was jumping excitedly as I tried to free the baby parrot from it's many tight wires holding him in the cardboard box. Once it was in his arm's he hugged it, sat on a chair, crossed his legs (like Mama) and said quite seriously, "Now give me it's bottle so I can nurse it."

S was just about to be that typical older sister and correct him that bottles don't nurse, but I shot her The Look. She and I both smiled at this cute boy who held his chirping, faux parrot to his chest and "nursed it" with a fake baby bottle.

I'm glad that despite his infinite love for the Bat Cave, Indiana Jones and Ben Ten, Little E still finds room in his sweet boy heart to nurse a battery-operated parrot.

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