Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Can YOU do the splits? I can, apparently.

So today is my official "estimated due date". Whatever.
Child number one was 2 weeks late, number 2 was one week early. So everyone said this baby will be "right on time!"
I'm not particularly bothered by it. After spending 3 weeks incredibly miserable and cranky, for a variety of reasons (mostly physical) and praying labor would commence, I'm now hoping labor will hold off until this weekend.
Saturday the kids were with my mom for an overnight trick or treat camping gig at the campground my mom always goes to. G picked me up when he got off work so we could go to the gym together. We weren't there 10 minutes when I somehow fell off the treadmill I was so slowly walking on. It was like being on ice- one minute you're upright, the next your down with no idea how you got there. And of course, I was instantly embarrassed and jumped right back up. The 20 something year old college girls around me on the other treadmills asked-Oh my gawd, are you all right?!
-Yes, fine. Sheesh.
Ugh, totally embarrassed. Bad enough that my big belly is such an anomaly in that place...
My "landing" left me with my left leg straight and flat out in front of me and my right leg straight out behind me on the floor. Now I can't normally do the splits, let alone at 39 weeks.
I quickly found my husband in the gym and explained what happened as I began to feel the searing pain of it all. By the time we made it to the parking lot I was weeping in pain.
I seriously pulled my pubis ligament and abductors.
I couldn't walk until the next day, and then not without support from my husband, with me shuffling in a 90 degree angle holding onto his arms. My chiropractor paid me two home visits, which really helped. I can't do stairs. I can't put on my own socks, underwear or pants because I can't lift my feet more than 1-2 inches off the ground.
My sister brought me a co-workers cane, which has helped me get around as I heal a bit. I can shuffle with the cane, but lifting my feet more than a couple inches is still incredibly painful.
The past 3 days have been a blur of homeopathic Arnica 200, Mortin, ice packs in my crotch, bizarre cat naps with strange dreams, and having a lot of very helpful friends and family come around the house.
I'm very blessed for all the help we've had. My sister took the day off work so that she could take the kids to school and help me this morning. Both of my parents have done so much as well. Friends have brought food, support, and laughter. People are being so sweet. Thank you, thank you to everyone.

Apparently, the Universe gave me the biggest slap down to slow down and realize that I am clearly not in control here. Message received, Universe.

I pray that I have some more healing time before labor begins, as much as I am desperate to meet and hold this kicky, squirmy baby inside me. Every day gets a little better.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am thinking about you all the time. Take care xxxx

2:06 PM

Anonymous ladyelms said...

Poor dear. I can just imagine...

You are truly blesssed to have so much love around you! Thinking of you too.

2:50 PM

Blogger Mid-life Midwife said...

Thank you, ladies. I can't wait to post something much more positive on my blog! ;) xoxo

3:38 PM


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