Thursday, March 19, 2009

Planning Anxiety

So back in October, I got the idea to organize a workshop to discuss midwifery ethics and possible legislation. The Big Push for Midwives has done so much in the past year, and after the MANA conference last fall, I felt inspired to do something. To at least learn our options. While things are still fine in our state, there are many that are down right hostile, where practicing midwifery is considered a felony. It gives me goosebumps and pisses me off to think that my career choice, and my choice to give birth where and with whom I choose could be at stake, depending on what state I live in.

At any rate,months have passed and finally the big weekend is upon us. All the little last minute details are falling into place and today I have to pick our key speaker up from the airport and get her settled into her room at a local B & B. We have two days of workshops. Friday being mostly for midwives and other birth workers, to earn CEUs over great topics. Saturday is the big day for midwives and home birth consumers to learn about how other states have tackled legislation issues and how the whole process works. It's exciting stuff, and I'm starting to feel like an amped-up, twitchy wedding planner.

In an attempt to keep costs low, we've made both days potluck lunch as we have a full kitchen at our disposal. However, I can't seem to grasp when or what or how I will be able to contribute any kind of potluck when I'm going to be there for 13 hours a day. As it is, my own family will probably be ordering a pizza on both days! Is it acceptable to not contribute? I've been hung up on this detail for the last few days, wondering when I will make a crock pot full of soup. Maybe it's fine. After all, I'm supplying coffee, tea, bagels and cream cheese, the venue, the room for the speaker...
I also have a potluck breakfast to attend this morning. Have no idea what to bring!

See, that's the problem with midwives. We love to eat. We love to eat well. We're fairly broke and every darn shindig we plan is a potluck! No corporate lunches around here, as much as I'd love to just order out and wait for delivery! :)
Wish me luck! This is my first stint at organizer and planner!

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