Thursday, March 22, 2007

PMS Alter Ego or Freshly Weaned Hormones Amuck

I am no longer feeling like Catherine Deneuve.
I've officially weaned E. He's not nursed since Saturday morning. He's tried though, believe me. And it's been hard at nap times when he's so tired. He looks at me like I've just run over his dog in front of him and then laughed about it. It's heart-wrenching. It makes me feel like a witch.

And even though my period isn't due for another 10 days, I have a huge hormone-feeling headache, a few anger issues, and I'm really tired when I shouldn't be. So I don't know if my body is immediately feeling the effects of the no-more-nursing, but something is going on.
Can one have PMS 10 whole days before period is due?

I am a driver for a field trip today. S and her class are going to see a local theater troupe. Today should be interesting as S has been awake since 3am. She came to my bed around that time, shook me and said, "Mama,is it too early to wake up?"
I told her yes and to go back to bed and read books until she fell asleep.
She came back an hour later and asked if she could watch a movie.
I told her yes but to keep it quiet and to lay on the couch so she could fall asleep.
But she never did.

I'm imagining her teacher will call me around 10:30 this morning saying, "S has melted into a puddle on our floor and she's sobbing and won't get up. Could you please come get her?"

Between me feeling like Endora, S not sleeping, and E not nursing...
it will be the day for huge meltdowns.


Blogger leaner said...

Hugs, and I hope you feel better. I get PMS badly sometimes a week before my period.

10:26 AM


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