Wednesday, February 14, 2007

2 inches of SNOW DAY?

Well, they canceled school. My girl is going to be pissed. No Valentines Day party on Valentines day?! Not going to go over well in this house.

And it's so ridiculous. There wasn't even that much snow. More big winds that made big drifts every where. It's funny because my driveway is actually clear now. More than it was yesterday BEFORE the snow. Thank you, Big Wind. No I don't have to shovel it.
And my kind neighbor shoveled our sidewalk in front of our house the day before, so that's done. I'm the type of shoveler that only shovels one shovel-wide lane down the sidewalk as opposed to clearing it side to side, completely. Every year my good neighbor does his walk completely.
One year we were both out shoveling (me done in 5 minutes, him in 30), and I said:
K, you are SUCH a good citizen! Look at that beautiful sidewalk!
and he replied: Naaah, I'm just anal retentive.
And I think he is, to some degree. He's the type to mow his lawn every Saturday regardless of whether it needs it. He's trained his dog to poo in one small area of the yard, as opposed to our Agnes dumping where ever she pleased. (I must say, that Agnes was first raised in our basement apartment before moving to this house. And the poor girl had to stand in a rocky driveway attached to a chain outside our door for a poo. No bushes, no trees. Just railroad rock driveway and no privacy. I was so happy for her to have a whole, green backyard that I let her go where ever when we moved here... as if I would ever have the patience or brain cells to "train" her to poo in one spot.)

The streets are all clear here. The trucks have plowed and salted. Although I know rich Ann Arbor won't because they never do, and that' why school is closed.
It's really dumb. It was really only a couple inches of snow. You'd think we were living in Georgia and were hit with a surprise snow fall.
But this is MICHIGAN folks! It's supposed to snow here!

I just found out yesterday that the Bust website has free ecards and they are hilarious. I sent one to Greg for V-Day that made me laugh so hard! If you're not squeamish and have a wry sense of humor, check it out.

Off to figure out just what the heck I 'm gonna do with these kids today.


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