Thursday, July 06, 2006

I'm the owner of the bad kid at the pool

Well today I've done a ton of laundry (my usual 4 loads a day~how the hell do we generate that much dirty laundry? don't know but we do), gone to the bank, grocery shopping and to the post office. The NARM beast is GONE! Off in the mail!! Wow. Now all the work comes!
Took the kids to a pool in Ann Arbor to meet up with some other mamas. I think I was yelled at at least 10 times in 30 minutes by 17 year old adolescent girl lifeguards. "Mam, is that your son? He can't do X,Y,Z!!!"
I was so annoyed. They had so many stupid rules. Once Eamon grew bored of the little kids section, he jumped into the deep water (I got a sneer for that), making me go in after him. No big deal. Then he became obsessed with trying to climb up the ladder for the big water slide. The slide he's too little to go down. Made no difference though. How can one ration with a 2 year old? He watched his big sister go down many times. Ugh, it was awful. He screamed and writhed in my arms. Then he bit me and scratched me to let him down. So I packed him up and we left. Sarah has stayed behind for Kate to bring home. Thank goodness she was willing to take her home. Poor Sarah was having a blast (and following rules). She would've been heart broken to leave after a half hour. Eamon fell asleep as soon as we came in the door. Little shit.
I'm pissed because I paid $9.50 to get into this dumb pool only to be yelled at by teenage girls with big egos. And then to hold my son as he threw afull-blown temper tantrum. All the while my friends sat pool side as their docile 2 year olds played quietly and nicely 5 feet away from them.
Where's my kid?
Running on deck ("Slow down and WALK!") Trying to climb the water slide stairs ("Mam, he's too young for the slide!") Crawling all over pool ladders, ropes and poles ("Mam, you need to keep him off of the ropes!") and jumping like a mad man into water that is way too deep for him (SNEER)
Oy vey.

Now I'm waiting for Greg to get home so I can go run. We're running in a little 5K this Saturday.
It's at 9am so it shouldn't be too hot when we go. I keep eating these Trader Joe spicy corn chips. That won't do me good when I'm running.

All right. Off to get out of my swimsuit.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you ever gone to Rutherford Pool on Congress St? It's a fantastic place to hang out with other families, and the shallowest part is maybe about 8 inches deep so it's great for little ones. It's also cheaper than the Ann Arbor pools. There is a slide there and they would let your 2 year old go down it if you caught him. The lifeguards make sure that people follow the rules but they're not obnoxious about it.

Here's more info:


7:41 AM


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