Monday, June 12, 2006

I just came home about 45 minutes ago from spending a large portion of my day driving to and from Lapeer for another midwife's blessingway. Went with Stacia (another midwife friend) and her little guy and my own 2 kids. The kids were well behaved despite being in the car for close to 3 hours. The blessingway was sweet as they always are. Very evangelical and a little outside my comfort zone (being brought up as a "don't touch me" Catholic). My friend pointed out how so many rituals amongst the evangelical closely mirror pagan rituals. Like the laying on of hands for strength, faith and healing. And prayer "circles". She made me laugh with her line: "Gosh, all you need is some sage burning and you'll have a lot pagans." Strange that.
I fall somewhere in the middle. Well not even middle. I have what for me is strong faith, but I'm not comfortable with laying my hands on people or them on me. That seems hoaky and weird. (Too tv-style, "Devil be gone!" and "You are healed!" as the lame get up and walk...)
I do feel comfortable praying together and usually feel very uplifted.
Stacia and I both agreed we loved working with really religious clients. Their faith surrounding labor and birth is amazing and strong and so uplifting. It's the people who are generally more agnostic and"in their head" that have harder times with things. I realize that's a horrible sweeping generalization, but it's often true. I pray on my way to births for guidance and I pray while I'm there for guidance and I pray for the family and the baby about to be born. But it always feels so good when the mom or dad prays for everyone present as well.
At any rate, not a big deal. It was a lovely group of women and the kids had fun too.

Now both kids and Greg are asleep in our bed. Greg tired from work and the kids from the long car ride. I'm trying to get myself to go run but I'd rather get some computer time. I've been one-on-one with the kids for days on end. Greg worked his days off and Eamon has been falling asleep really late and waking really early. So I've not had much time just to have me time. And tomorrow I'm watching Kate's 2 kids for 5 hours. By the end of that we'll all be cranky.
But it will be fun too.

All right, I think I will make myself go run.


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