Friday, February 09, 2007

Avoiding study

I'm avoiding watching a DVD classroom on human anatomy and physiology. It's so dry, and the man doctor conducting the lecture say clitoris like CLY-toris. Cly rhyming with sky. Makes me crazy. He also explains all female parts as being analog to male parts.
As in: "The hairy labia majora is the analog to the male scrotum."
I really don't appreciate our parts being compared to male parts. We are female and we are unique.

And speaking of annoying male doctors. My good friend K was doing doula support at a hospital birth last week. The woman's male OB suggested she do nipple stimulation (good, right?) with a frickin' DRY HAND TOWEL!! WTF? Seriously, doing nipple stim with your finger tips can get you sore after a while. I couldn't believe the stupidity of that advice. I told K she should've told the doctor to give himself a hand-job with a dry towel and see how productive that is for him!

In other news, we went to Sesame Street Live last night and we were so lucky! Because not many people know about the PBS great prices, it was not very crowded. So instead of sitting in nose-bleed seats, we were in row F on the main floor, dead center! For 40 bucks! AND, we received free goody bags, and 4 coupons for free drinks and a coupon for free popcorn! Seriously a bargain. I was so happy to be there with Greg in tow (who in the past would've refused to come or would've come and been pissy the entire time. But now, my new decaf husband is a saint!), and to see the kid's faces totally light up in that beautiful old theater! I love Detroit.
It was all totally worth spending money we did not have, and taking a night off work.
A wonderful time!

I just got hired by a sweet woman due in August. I was at a previous birth of hers while apprenticing. It's a very strange feeling being hired by a past client from someone else's practice. I also had a lovely, lengthy conversation with another woman due this fall. She's working on her husband apparently and is supposed to call back.
And then I have a consult in Detroit with a couple who I doubt will hire me. Just a hunch from the quickest phone call to set up an appointment time. Maybe I'm wrong, but these hunches usually prove right.
I'm seeing a trend in the people who hire me versus the people who do not. It's been interesting because those who do all kind of have the same something in common. Can't quite name it, but it's there. And the people I consult with who do not hire me, well like I said, I can usually tell just by talking to them on the phone.

I have to work tonight. I think I'll be spending hours at Kinko's copying and enlarging an old paperback for Mr. Senior Guy. It takes forever and he's a perfectionist and I'm so "good enough" that it makes for an interesting sight, I'm sure. First we enlarge all the pages (After making sure that they're all even on the page. Don't forget that the margin is different on the front than it is on the back of the page. So I have to measure and mark the copier by a mere centimeter or two to make sure front and back come out the same on the enlarged page). Then, I print them on both sides so that it will read like a book. But before I do that, I have to use the white out tape to make sure the dark edges of the pages are covered before I make a final copy. Once home (hours later) I have to put them all in plastic sleeves and put them into a notebook to never be looked at again. The last book took about 4 hours and was only 100 pages. This particular book is 360 pages.

But hell, if that's all I've got to complain about....
No, I am very happy.

BTW, the zine is moving like hotcakes. We've sent out many complementary issues and are receiving good reviews. Now we just need people to SUBSCRIBE so that we can continue with it!

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