Friday, February 02, 2007

can you tell me how to (pay) to get to Sesame Street?

I'm slightly disappointed. Every year since I've been a Mama, I've wanted to take my kids to see Sesame Street Live which comes to the Fox Theater in Detroit every February. I used to go with my sister and her boys before I was even married. It's a lot of fun and the kids love it. And every year we are just too broke to justify spending that money (or rather, putting it on a credit card). But this year I thought, screw the high heating bills, screw all we've spent on the living room and new tags for the cars. We're going!!
But damn! For sort of crappy seats in the mezzanine, it'd cost us $111 (plus more for parking) for 4 tickets.
It's silly but I'm feeling heartbroken about it. I know our kids love us and don't know if they're missing out (and I realize they are not), but on the other hand, it would be so pleasurable to seem them shriek with joy over big, goofy, Sesame Street characters dancing on stage in that beautiful theater.
Grrr. Stupid Tickemaster. So much money. Don't know why I even looked.
We'll have to do something else fun.

Greg had brought up taking them to the Detroit Science museum, but that too would cost us about $100 to see the museum and the really cool exhibition they've got right now.

Middle of winter with nothing to do. Sick of being inside but too cold to do free, fun things outside. (Skiing is for rich people, folks!)

Sorry for being so pissy.
Oh well. Off to fold laundry while watching a classroom DVD on anatomy.


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