Tuesday, January 23, 2007

previously viewed videos for the taking

Little guy is down for a nap. Something he usually doesn't take these days. However, he woke at 5:30 so I kind of expected it.

Went to the dentist today and finally made an appointment for a crown I've been putting off for 1 1/2 years. It's going to cost around $500 out of pocket. I still don't know how I will pay for it.
Here I go again scrapping shit together at the last minute. It's the way most of our things get paid.
Funny thing is though, they asked if I wanted GOLD or porcelain. This was an exciting option to ponder. Hmmmm, gold? The crown will go on a molar, so you wouldn't see it and if you did, it might just be too silly. So I asked what was cheaper because I was willing for the cheapest to be my answer. But I was told they were pretty much the same so I said porcelain.
But a part of me would love having a secret GOLD tooth! V. cool.

We've been working on our living room for nearly 2 weeks now. Most of that time we were waiting for the horrible oil-based floor primer to dry already. We've decided we really like the gray color of the primer so we're leaving it and not painting the floor "Burning Bush" red after all. The furniture is finally in and it looks strange and modern and not like the over-stuffed Victorian mess of a giant cat house it looked before. I'm waiting for Greg to hang the wall shelves so I can put our plants and photos in there. He doesn't want to put anything on the wall. Its very much his personality to want things pure and straight and clear of fuss. And so very much like me to need living green plants, photos of loved ones, cool prints, etc. So it's all compromise.

I have to go for a 4 hour glucose tolerance test tomorrow morning for my blood sugar woes. I'm feeling very certain that I'm just hypoglycemic and that I have to eat every couple of hours to not feel sick. It's just remembering to and also having the patience for it. Like now, I'm hungry and I know I should have some kind of protein. Eggs would be fine but then I'd have to cook them, dirty a pan, wash that, etc. So instead I have a bowl of shredded wheat with warm milk for the instant warmth and sugar rush. So stupid. I need to practice what I preach. I just hate cleaning up after myself. If it were for more than just me, I'd do it.
No, it's just plain dumb. Off to cook eggs and then sort through the heaps and boxes of VHS tapes and DVDs before any of them go back on shelves.

I am the great and magnificent purger! Everyone in this house hates me for it, but it keeps the place tidy and people can FIND WHAT THEY WANT WHEN THEY WANT IT!!! Even Sarah verbally listed about 12 videos I could toss with her permission. That's my girl! She's starting to get it. We are not hoarders. Plus, we donate it all to other folks who hopefully need it. Our clothes, our toys, our kitchen stuff, our blankets and now our movies.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been purging our house lately as well, it feels GREAT! I invested in large plastic boxes for all the stuff that is left. Hubby is annoyed as he can't find anything, he says it is too tidy! :) I told him not to worry. I am sure it will not stay that way for long.

The whole decorating compromise thing resonates too. I am more the purist, and DH likes the more crowded look. You just have to have lots of plants though, in and out preferably.

2:31 PM


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