Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Waiting to go to the bar?!

My family is asleep and it's 20 to 9pm. I'm supposed to meet Kate at the Brewery in 20 minutes to go over/review/edit any last minute items in our up and coming 'zine: The Birth Project.
24 pages of articles, stories, art, etc. Very exciting. Let me know if you want a copy, anyone (not sure who reads my blog, if anyone.)
I get to go to the bar w/o being on call and I have a headache and would much rather drink a decaf Chai tea latte. Thankfully there's no smoking in this bar or my head would explode.

I just finished reading a really enjoyable short book called: A Round Heeled Woman by Jane Juska.
It's about this 66 year old woman who places a personal ad in the New York Review stating that she would like to have a lot of sex with a man she likes before she turns 67. The story is true and explains what happens after the ad is placed, what led her to place it, who she meets, who she sleeps with (an not), and why. It's really a good book and I want to give a copy to my MIL and own mother for the sake of empowerment (hopefully) and to acknowledge that one's sex drive does not have to pretend to go away with age.
I highly recommend it.

I also finished Terry Pratchett's book, Pyramids. Which of course, is witty and silly and makes me fall asleep with a smile on my face.

I spent 5 hours in blood drawing lab today. After fasting for 14 hours, I drank 75 grams of sugar in 2 minutes and then proceeded to have my blood drawn on the hour for 4 hours. I was about to pass out by the time we were done. I had a headache, a very empty belly, a huge sugar crash and very bruised inner elbows from the 15 or so tubes of blood taken. I was a little pissy about the whole thing. But its done and I almost feel like there better be some interesting results (but nothing bad!) to make today worth while. On the upside, I DID get to finish the book I was reading and my sweet neighbor Elizabeth actually drove up and hung out with me for an hour at the lab. Now that's a friend! Okay, she was actually going to the drug store across the street, but she saw my car and came in, delivering a short story, a poem, an audio tape of good literary selections and coupons for my fave Indian restaurant. See, that's a friend!

Greg is now on a day shift once again. He was on one when I was pregnant with Eamon. But it's lovely to have him go to bed at a normal time and know that he doesn't need to wake up at 1am for work. He actually gets to sleep til 5:30, like a normal person! This is very exciting for us. He's been "staying up" for me to get home from work. Eamon has been sleeping in his own bed and it quite a novelty to be in bed with my own husband without any children between us!
I have no regrets for attachment parenting, in the big picture I love that parenting path. However, being able to snuggle up to my husband and rub my legs on his, talk, laugh....ahhh. It's like its 1995 all over again!
It's been like a second honeymoon for the last 2 weeks. Eamon still wakes and comes to our bed around 4am, but I can handle that. It's nice even, to kiss his sweet head and go back to sleep cuddling all together.
But yes, nothing like getting your own bed back.

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