Monday, December 04, 2006

gettin' into the spirit

It's officially cold now. After a weird week of mid 60s in late November, it is finally freezing. It's 6:30 am and 19 degrees. No snow, but coooooold.
I'm waiting for my early December client to have her baby. Really thought I would've heard from her this weekend, but the phones were silent.
Had a lovely weekend. My brother came by Saturday so we could go to the Ypsi Indie Art Fair. It was just me, him and Sarah. G and E stayed home, which was so nice. Not because I don't love their company, but because E is like a curious raccoon on 8 cups of coffee whenever we go into little shops and whatnot. The art fair was fun. While I can't afford most of the stuff for sale (nor is any of it practical for the people I buy for), I do appreciate the efforts of the artists.
We walked into Depot Town afterward, stopping in at the new pastry shop (that has a really nice owner!) for hot drinks. Then into a couple little shops where we can never go with E b/c it's like trying to walk carefully through a firecracker plant in the dark with a lit candle.
It was lovely. Sarah and I both felt like it was a huge treat to browse at leisure instead of usual kamikaze, drop into store-find what you need-buy it-get out! Phew!

Yesterday we went to church (2 weeks in a row after a 3 month hiatus). It's Advent and the people are so great there and Sarah wants to be in the Christmas play, which is next week.
Dad took us out for chicken shwarma and fries for lunch at Pita Pita~ yum! Then dropped us off so we could check out Cobblestone Farm's annual holiday event. Very nice. Very cold out, but I have officially busted out my silky long underwear!So no worries. (Sarah complains of being cold for the first time ever, yet hates the feel of layers. She fusses about the cold alternating with complaining about her long johns making her jeans ride funny, ugh.)
Made crafts, heard old-time live music, made candles, pet various farm animals (huge treat for Eamon! Our neighbor M works there and let us into the barn where we met a handful of very charismatic goats, sheep, chickens and a retired, miniature circus horse.
Lovely day.
Came home and quickly put up Christmas lights on porch and put all kids holiday books into a pretty basket so they would actually look at them in the right season. Greg commented on how very Martha Stewart I was being. That's right, pal. Figgy pudding is next.


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