Wednesday, November 22, 2006

1974 Family ala Olan Mills and more scanning projects

Woohoo! Look at those hair styles! Funny to see my dad sporting that comb-down like every Emo kid out there these days! And my mom~ yikes, just where does the top of her scalp lay under all of that Aqua Net? This picture is a perfect example of how I don't look like anyone in my immediate family. Everyone is brown-eyed, dark-haired, thin and wirey, and has these olive-skinned complexions. Me: pastey white, chubby blonde with blue eyes.
It's amazing to me that my own two children look so much like me. I must confess, I am somewhat secretly pleased after all these years of having no resemblance to my family.

The top photo is one of me and my brother. He must have been 5, I was 2. He looks like a little ape man, all tan and long limbs. Makes me laugh. He's still all long limbs!

I asked my mom to bring over all of her photos. Blech, they stink of musty mildew from being stored in a box in her basement for years and years. But it's so fun to go through them. I'm working on scanning loads of them and then making photo-story DVDs with music for each parent, and also ones for my siblings. And a special for my sister showcasing her 3 boys. We'll see if I get all of this done. The biggest job is surely digging them out and scanning them one by one. Putting the DVDs together are fun. I love that process of putting them in order, finding appropriate music, etc.

Enough scanning for tonight. I could stay up longer with my obsessive nature. But, I'm going to be good and go to bed.


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