Thursday, July 20, 2006


So Sarah and I have had this dumb cough for 2 weeks. We were both getting better by Monday. Tuesday evening though, Sarah's cough seemed to be getting worse again. Greg wanted to get her "real medicine" i.e., cough syrup (an $8 bottle of sugar syrup). It didn't help in the least, as I knew it wouldn't. It's all acetaminophen and sugar. And the body does not need any sugar when it's fighting something. It just makes it weaker.
Yesterday we picked Margaret up from the airport. She loaded us done with gifts from all the aunties and herself. Mainly: lots of t-shirts with some kind of England logo. Seeing as how England didn't do so great in the World Cup, all things English were very clearanced. So my kids will be walking around like Anglophiles for the next year. I really need to get some good Polska tees for them.
At any rate, by yesterday afternoon, Sarah's cough was far worse and she sprouted a fever. Both kids have well-child visits next Monday so I had been trying to hold off on a doctors appointment. She sounded horrible though. I was beginning to suspect pertussis. So I got her in just before they closed and found out she has pneumonia. Seems her cough was just a viral infection but for whatever reason, some bad bacteria found its way to the fluid of her lungs as she was recovering from the cough and just made things from getting better to far worse.
She's on a 10 day round of antibiotics. She and I were both swabbed (with this horrible little Q-Tip on a long spring that was placed far up our noses and twirled somewhere behind our eyeballs) for pertussis. It takes a week for that to be cultured, IF it grows for them. The doctor asked about Eamon and I was pleased to say that neither Eamon or Greg have had any sign of sickness or cough despite Sarah and I having this cough for a while now.
This morning, Eamon starts a nice, phlegmy cough.
Shit. I pray it doesn't turn to pneumonia for him.

It's so not fun to be sick in summer. Although, I'm happy its now as opposed to being in the middle of the school year for Sarah.
Looks like we'll be staying home for a few days, at least. I've been told the antibiotics should kick in and make her not contagious by about 3-4 days. And that if it is pertussis, the same medication would be given to her, so it's like we're treating both either way.


Blogger leaner said...

Ugh- not fun. We are sick here, too. I woke up with no voice this morning, that is fun let me tell you!

2:38 PM


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