Thursday, June 01, 2006

Who put this angel in my backyard?

This is my dear neighbor Elizabeth a few months ago in Jamaica.

I felt the need to need to celebrate my sweet friend Elizabeth, whose backyard butts up against mine. She just had a birthday last week (although she was out of town for it) and I want to wish her a very happy, fabulous new year.
Here's some Elizabeth history:
Before we bought our house, we rented an apartment two doors down from where we live now.
I think I had seen Elizabeth and her husband Matt walking the dogs in the park a few times, but had never talked to them. When I was big as a house pregnant with Sarah, we were struggling to buy our house. We signed 3 days before my due date. How's that for stress? It was a strange time. We were happy, anxious, stressed, and relieved that we were finally in a house of our own and a little crazed at the thought of having a new baby.
Sarah was born September 1st. Greg took a couple days off but was back to work to pay for our hefty new mortgage. He worked around 70 hours a week. And for some reason, everone in my family distanced themselves from me. And the friends I had pre-pregnancy had nothing in common with me now that I had a child. I felt really isolated and lonely. At the time, I refused to admit to post partum depression, although after I came through the funk I was able to see it for what it was. It wasn't fun.

Every day I would make myself shower, put on makeup and go out for a walk. I knew that if I didn't I'd slip down the slope. Every day I'd truck Sarah around in my sling, all over Ypsilanti.
One day I was returning home on my walk, feeling particularly down. As I passed Elizabeth's house, I heard a soft but sweet little voice say, "Congratulations on your new baby!"
I looked and saw that she had parted the blinds to say this to me and it made my day. It was just a few simple words, but it made my heart leap. Thank you! I went home with a smile and a lighter heart.
The winter came and went and as the weather grew warmer, neighbors started coming out of their houses. I remember Elizabeth saying to me (as we both crawled out of our caves): "I was wondering if you would come out with a new baby belly to celebrate Spring."
I liked the way this women talked. Her words always came out so polite and sweet.

So over the years we have become better friends. She treats my children wonderfully, some days much better than I do. And I am thankful for that. There are times I have been completely pissy with my kids and we go outside and sweet Elizabeth strikes up a 30 minute, completely-engaged conversation with Sarah and I am thankful that another mother in my village is giving my child the love and patience I couldn't deliver that day.
She blesses us with hours of fun conversation. And for me, the freely emotional conversaton that I love and thrive on. The kind you can only get with another woman. She brings us sweet cakes and left overs from things she has baked. She has rolled me countless cigarettes when I was still a closet smoker and was devastated by some events that occured during my apprenticeship.
"Meet me at the fence," she'd say. And there she was 2 minutes later with a hand rolled cigarette and a lighter.

She is a lovely woman. She has such a kind face. One that makes it so easy for anyone to talk to. You have to respond with a smile when she says hello. We've gone on walks together and I have seen the surliest, pinch-faced people lighten-up when Elizabeth says hello. And we continue walking, she continues talking while I am in shock at how time and time again I see people's faces morph into something nicer after she passes.
And for bonus, Elizabeth reminds me in so many ways of dear Audrey Hepburn. She has the same physique. This tiny waist, the long, muscular rib cage, and long dancer's arms. And a lovely swan-like neck. I have a book called Audrey Hepburn's Neck and it's about this Asian guy who grew up watching old movies and his mother admiring Audrey's lovely neck. I can't remeber the author and the book was about a lot more, but I bought it for the title and I liked the sentiment about A.H.'s neck.

Yesterday, Elizabeth surprised me with a very nice, much needed gift. It's one of those situations where you don't want to accept it but you're also so desparate that you hope God has just sent you this relief. This angel in my backyard.
A good woman, indeed.
Happy birthday, Elizabeth.
We love you so much!
X's and O's over the fence.


Blogger TLC said...

I say everyone needs a guardian angel in the flesh! I hope to be one to many someday but for now I enjoy the kindred souls that surround me and my familia. You are one blessed woman to have one in your backyard! So sweet! Happy Birthday E!

5:33 PM

Blogger Kate said...

absolutely lovely.

9:39 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

A few minutes ago I thought, "I'm not quite ready to work--I think I'll check Amanda's blog." Oh my!!!

I am obviously the luckiest person in the world. Completely prickly with love and honor and thanks for the nicest birthday present a person could ever wish for. (Oh, words!) And who would even know to wish for such a thing!

Thanks, dear neighbor, whom I'm so lucky to know. I would say the right thing to try to match your beautiful words, but my words fail me. Please know every inch of my skin is prickly and so alive! I'm deeply honored and forever grateful.

May you walk past a mirror and see your incredible loveliness nearly bust the glass! Better than that, just radiate . . . all that light.

Thank you! Ripples along the skin say LIFE IS GOOD!

With love--

9:25 AM


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