Wednesday, May 24, 2006

it's 3:45am, time to wake up apparently

Well I am up again in the wee hours of the morning. Agnes woke me up at 3:45am to open the bedroom door I thought she needed to go outside but no. When I opened the bedroom door my nose was greeted with a huge waft of just-very-recently fried breakfast sausage smell. Greg had already left for work, but his breakfast remained in scent. See, he's smitten with these breakfast sausages from some store called Aldi's downriver. I've never been, but judging by their strange products, and their modgepodge of mainstream groceries, they seem to be the equivalent of a German grocery store Big Lots. They sell meat, which I refuse to eat. The sausages are heavenly claim Greg, but they cost $2.29 for 18. And they're a scary non color, if one can imagine. That is,until fried, when they turn crispy brown.
So Agnes woke me up because she could smell heaven outside the bedroom. Greg had left her a couple sausages in her bowl which she quickly gobbled up. I laid back down hoping to fall back asleep. One of those: Don't think.Just sleep. But what about your NARM exam? I said, don't think. Go back to bed. Are you really planning on getting a job at a bakery this summer? You'll never see your husband. Your kids will hate you. I said, shut up. Don't think. Go back to bed. Sleep. No? Okay, ssssh! Let's read for a bit.....
and well, here I am. Reading didn't work. And nothing is worse than laying in bed trying to sleep. It just doesn't happen.
So here I am. I told myself I would get up, check emails and such, and then do the entire yoga DVD, which I normally don't get to finish because E. wakes up and nothing is more interesting to a toddler than seeing his mama doing inversions. And nothing is more distracting (and painful) than a 35 pound toddler sitting his big, diapered butt on your chest when you're in plow position.
And I've been feeling like I need to exercise. It seems my body needs 2 years to get back to its pre-pregnancy self. By this I mostly mean waiting for my lactating breasts to go back to normal (although small, I prefer) so that my shirts fit me better. So now I'm really back to my old self as we come up to E. turning two and I feel like my arms and shoulders are lanky and not strong. Although they should be from carrying around big toddler baby. And surely the exercise will give me a mood boost.
Off I go to do yoga for an hour. Which, when I finish will still leave me with an entire hour before the kids wake up. By that time I'm sure I'll be ready to sleep again and won't be able to and then will be a crab ass for the remainder of the day.


Blogger Kate said...


11:42 PM


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