Friday, May 26, 2006

oh dear, what was i thinking?

So I went to this interview at the bakery yesterday. The guy I spoke with was very friendly and everyone who worked there looked happy. Blah blah blah~ only $8 an hour. But I was optimistic in the moment. And I scheduled to come back next Tuesday to do a trial shift. During the night and especially this morning, I realized that at $8 an hour, I would have to work nearly 160 hours in a 90 degree bakery to make what I make doing one doula birth.
And it's not light work. Y'all know how I hate the heat, but I told myself I could be Zen about it and manage all right. But working 40 hours and bringing home a $220 paycheck is insane to me. And I know beggers shouldn't be choosy, but bloody hell.
And it kind of pisses me off because everything this company sells is sooo expensive, as they should be. It's quality product, but damn, they've got some hard workers there and you can't feed a family on $8 an hour. Not in this neck of the woods.

So I'm floored. Don't know what to do. I called a senior home care place. It sounds like its a lot like being a post partum doula (except for $8.50 an hour instead of $20). Light house work, some cooking, running errands, etc. Except you don't have to teach anyone how to nurse their baby! Ha. I have an interview with them Tuesday at noon. The same day I'm due to work my 5 hour trial shift at the bakery.

I think I might try to camp my ass out at Kate's house, abusing her microsoft office publisher and make brochures and fliers for every possible service I can do, and them shamelessly plaster my name all over this county.

Say a little prayer for me, that all this falls into place and I can start bringing in a proper income doing the work I've trained to do. I feel guilty, almost snobby about my bakery realization. That is just not enough money for that kind of work, and then add on top of that me only getting 4-5 hours of sleep. Hmmm.


Blogger Mid-life Midwife said...

is that you?

9:39 PM

Blogger Mid-life Midwife said...

Please don't be embarassed!
Do you want to know what most qued me in? For some unknown reason the name qwerty seemed like something you would come up with. easy, yet puzzling. I can't explain it.
And also, those sound like your always very sensical and supportive words. Thank you so much. I needed to read those words.

6:21 PM


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