Monday, May 01, 2006


I went to the Michigan Midwives Conference Saturday and it was lovely. The topics discussed weren't too riveting, but the company was. It was well-attended (well, as well-attended as home birth mdwives can get, there aren't so many of us) and there was just a general air of acceptance and love and no egos.
Michigan will be hosting the MANA national conference in Traverse City in 2008. I'm very excited about this and think I will look into working on some commitee or another to help with it. There's also talk of working more to gather thoughts on writing our own legislation for midwives in Michigan before it gets written for us. I'm also very interested in this and think I'll take a stab at joining the board to help with that.
I'm hoping to have everything together to send out my portfolio by Friday or next Monday. What it will take is me spending a good half hour at Kinkos minus any child. Sounds easy, doesn't it? Yeah. Which is why it's been 4 months and it's still not together. Simple chores can become beasts of burden when you've got kids. I told Greg I HAD to get this done this week. I will enforce this.
My doula client is still pregnant. I called yesterday and left a message to check in, but I've not heard anything yet. I'm freaking out about night time (or rather, wee morning hours) child care because my mom has a couple doctors appointments this week that will make her unavailable. I'm praying it will all just fall into place like it usually does. It'd be especially great if she has her baby when childcare is very easy to find (middle of the day), a nice quick labor (asking for too much here) and then I get paid the other half of my fee. Making the task of sending off the $700 with my NARM portfolio that much easier.
There. I've put in my request!

Off to do some actual work.


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