Saturday, April 15, 2006

Who are these people and why are they ruining my downtown?

It's a beautiful Saturday. I woke up this morning and got myself and the kids up and fed at a relatively early time. My mom came over to watch the kids as I had to meet with my doula clients and then go clean the credit union. Lovely morning. Gorgeous weather. Looking forward to taking the kids kayaking this afternoon.
When I was coming home, I stopped at the light at Michigan Ave and Huron Street. Looking down Michigan Ave (Ypsi's main drag), I was appalled to see at least 8 people at various points holding huge 5' by 3' placards of mutilated, aborted fetuses. I was instantly filled with rage.
Usually these freaks just stand outside Planned Parenthood with their horrid signs, but today they are up and down Michigan Ave. The good church folks must be celebrating Easter weekend in the best way they know how. Blood hell. They make me sick.
They are so lucky my kids weren't in the car. I was quaking with rage. I've not been that pissed in years. I tried my best to ignore them, not make eye contact, but after passing Freak #4 I screamed out my window that they were a bunch of "sick bastards" and that I hoped they were proud of themselves. Oh, and gave them the finger. Very mature, I know.
I came home to my mom and kids so happy and sweet telling me about their adventures to the candy store. I was shaking as I took out the yellow pages to get the police department phone number.
The Ypsi police guy seemed sympathetic. I asked him how it is that these freaks can hold up signs like this in a public area~ signs that I equate to pure pornography. Shall I hold up a blown-up image of a porno movie? People would shoot me. How is it these people can get away with this shit? He told me that unfortunately, the Supreme Court has ruled that it's their 1st Amendment right to be able to do this. Yet if you pee in public you get a big, fat ticket? WTF is wrong with this country? I asked if it would be my right to stand next to them with an equally large sign that read: IGNORE THESE FREAKS~ THEY'RE ALL GOING TO HELL
He laughed and said I could definitely do that.
He confided to me that they had sent "ushers" (?) downtown to see if they could make these people leave under some other law that they might be breaking.

How can these people call themselves Christians? I don't get it. If you're so into saving and protecting the innocent, then keep your signs away from the eyes of children who happen to be driving by. And if you're so concerned about protecting the unborn, then why don't you protect the countless girls and women who are abused, molested and raped every day~ protect the innocent before they get pregnant.
These people have completely ruined my afternoon. I'm sure they'd be thrilled to know that. Maybe they hoped that once I saw that lovely image of half a bloody fetus head I would change my stance and say: Let me join you! You are wondeful people!

Why is it the more devout a person is, the more they judge? I have tried to overcome this thought. It's one of the biggest reasons that agnostic and atheist folks run for the hills when a Christian comes around. I've tried to overlook that. Stay away from those people. I happen to need and really enjoy having God in my life. And Jesus. And Mary. And over the years my faith and spirituality have deepened and I'm really enjoying it. But people who hold up these big ugly signs in the name of being Christian make me want to run away screaming. If I'm a Christian and you're a Christian, how come I can't stand you?

Okay. That is out of my system. Well, at least some of it is.
I had to bitch about it some where.

I am turning my leaf for today and vow to not let those sick people bug me anymore. And I will stay away from Michigan Ave. for the rest of the day.

We're hitting the river in a few hours and I can't wait! Kayak season is back.


Blogger leaner said...

In AZ they just passed a law that says you can nurse your baby in public, because aparently previously it was under that same law as PEEING in public... sad, huh?

There was a post on the birth circle group I am in about check it out, Ok really- don't don't EVER go to that website or anything, because apparently you have to be THEIR kind of Christian to belong. It makes me mad, because I thought one of Christ's ultimate teachings was LOVE ONE ANOTHER< and to me that means accepting everyone, regardless or their religious background or sexual background. I knwo someone who was trying to get a listing through them, and she was so excited about it, but they told her she didn't fit their idea of Christian- because Mormons don't believe in Jesus- Huh? (The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter Day Saints,) SHe was pissed.. She also found out they would refuse service to anyone who didn't follow their ideas...

Sorry I was just so appalled at your post... those people make me angry- they are the reason I don't attend church... I just can't handle the judging, the critcal eyes.

11:57 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I once heard a snippet of the demon Dr. Laura in which she said as if it were 2 + 2:

"Women who have had abortions have done permanent damage to their souls." (A paraphrase--thankfully I've blotted out her exact words from my memory.)

That's no surprise, as the woman is known for saying outrageous and intolerant things. But with her condeming comment she made it clear: she's beyond evil.

Here's to compassion and humanity you can and want to put your arms around. May the shame makers burn their miserable signs. Bullies dressed up as saintly folk. (How does a saintly person dress?! I think for true ones it would be something between naked and soft cotton but don't really know. Naked but sticky with placental nutrients, fresh from birth?!)

12:56 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Picked up a link to your page from Ypsiwiki...

On Saturday, I was giving my lil' sister a tour of Ypsi, since my wife and I are buying a house in town. We were rather skeeved out by the protesters, but some people had turned out for a very good counter-protest!

A bunch of people were out there in pairs, holding up blankets between them in order to block the view of the posters from drivers. There weren't enough of them to cover the posters from all sides, especially not from pedestrian view, but I was glad to see somebody had come up with a way to counter those freaks.

10:52 AM


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