Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Sold! And the Doppler goes to the paranoid lady in the grey sweater!

So I bought the $350 Doppler. I am very excited about this, and also a bit anxious. I mean, 10 years ago if someone had told me that I would some day over the Internet plop out $350 from my bank account and put it into someone else's bank account with high hopes that they'd send me the actual item I bought....well, I'd probably would've said something along the lines of: "Yeah, right. I'm not that frickin' stupid!"
So I hope I'm not stupid. It just blows me away, the whole online selling of merchandise between consumers.
At any rate, I'll be very happy when I receive this doppler. Woo hoo.

I received my business cards Saturday for my midwifery services. I put up a few at Whole Foods when we were eating pizza there Sunday. Outside of that, I've not actually done much foot work. It's only Wednesday. I did go ahead and change our voicemail message to include the business name.
I have this wee paranoia that I'll only admit here: um, if I put up my business, someone might call me!
Silly, I know.
It'll be fine.
I guess you could say I did a little PR work yesterday at Sarah's school. I visited her class to tell them about "My Job". I brought in my birth bags and talked about everything in them. The kids were funny. Two of them were actually born at home, although they both admitted they didn't remember much about it. In one of my birth bag pockets is a little pretty pouch with two rocks in it. One is pink quartz and the other just says Compassion on it. A sweet Christmas gift from Kate. Sarah had pulled the little bag out and showed the kids. They asked what those were used for. I explained they were a gift from a friend. I referred to them as "good luck rocks". Following that comment, a snarky 6 year old boy informed me: "It's a good thing you carry those good luck rocks, otherwise babies would be dying off, since you don't have the kind of technology at home that hospitals do."
Well the Little Shit! Oh, from the mouth of babes, eh?
I saw this as a good opportunity to switch gears from jinxy "good luck" to how important it is for my clients to have superb nutrition and health. And how if you were trying to grow a plant you wouldn't stick it a closet with no water. That growing a baby was a very important task and only women who really took care of themselves could have a home birth. I asked: "Do you think it's a good idea to for a pregnant woman to eat Fritos and Mountain Dew every day?"
"Nooooooooooo," they all cooed.
"Do you think it'd be good for the baby inside?"
"Nooooooo," they cooed again.
And one little girl (who had been born at home) said: "That baby would be bouncing off the walls!"
Hilarious. It was funy. And fortunately, no one brought up the dreaded question of: How do babies get inside there anyway?
I think I managed to explain what I do without fearing angry phone calls from any parents.
However, after leaving the schoool I realized I'd really love to talk to older kids about health and their bodies and basic sex ed stuff that would be meaningful to their lives. That would be so cool.
I don't think I could find a forum or an audience for it though. There's always some parent that goes apeshit because their 17 year old was given information about ovulation and how to avoid pregnancy. But George Dub-ya says ABSTINENCE is the best for our youth!

Okay, no politics on my blog. That is the last time his name will appear here.

ARgh! I have been trying to upload pictures to this blog for the last 2 days and it won't work. It just takes forever and then says there's been an error. I actually had a picture of the helicoper dropping marshmallows from Saturday's festivities.


Blogger Kate said...

hell,no. commie high would totally have you speak and i am sure it you contact health teachers in h.s. or whatever they would totally dig it. also mind you that at my church 8th grade sunday school is sex andtheir should call the religious education director there and mention it to her. do it! throw yourself out there they are the ones that need to hear about it! i am so seriou here if you dont do it i will ride your ass til the cows some home. its not your problem if a parent gets pissy it is thier problem.

9:27 AM

Blogger leaner said...

hmmm.... maybe if kids were TAUGHT about ovulation and all that they might KNOW how best to AVOID getting knocked up? I mean I was working at a school here, and ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, there was a 6th!!!! GRADER who was 8 months pregnant! I about fell over, in SIXTH GRADE?!?!?!!! (Heck I hadn't kissed a boy let alone ever seen one necked by 6th grade, that all happened in hs!)
I was so naive, when I was 15 my friend told me to tell my bro th "choke his chicken" and I had no flippin' clue what that meant. My mom gave me a book when i was 12 to read about our bodies. I really wish that someone had given a GOOD CLASS, as in not the normal science teacher talking about sex. (Have you seen "Saved", w/ mandy moore? Its hilarious! I think our sex ed teacher was like the one in the movie Mean Girls.)

4:33 PM


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