Monday, April 17, 2006

scary morning

I posted this in my Live Journal earlier, but it has been so huge in my day that I thought I'd put it here too. Scary stuff.

This morning Sarah, Eamon and I were all in the back yard. They were playing, I was alongside the south side of my house clearing the beds. Both Sarah and Eamon would come and go~ they mostly played near me. I had the gate bungeed closed (the latch had broken 2 years ago but we didn't replace it b/c Sarah was big enough to know not go through there alone).Eamon took off with my coat and walked back toward the deck. A minute later I saw a car go down the street with two people craning their necks behind them. They pulled over and kept staring at something. I turned to shout for Eamon and just as I did, Sarah came running up saying, "Mama! I can't find Eamon!"
Bloody hell.
I ran to the gate (still bungeed tight), unfastened it and ran to the end of the driveway screaming Eamon's name. Sarah behind me, I shouted for her to look in the house for him. I ran to the very back of the yard, screaming his name louder and louder. Nothing. Sarah came out of the house and told me he wasn't there. "Oh dear God, please help us," I said, shakily. Sarah began to cry.
I was screaming, nearly crying, Eamon! Eamon! Again I ran to the end of the driveway. By this time I thought for sure he had made it to the street and someone had driven off with him. Oh God. No, no, no. Please.

Out of nowhere, up walks this young college girl carrying Eamon. I have no idea where he was, or who she was. There was far too much adrenalin for me to make sense of it. I think he must have walked round to the front of the condos next door, which is on its own little street. I grabbed Eamon and just cried and cried. I thanked the girl over and over and was shaking so hard. Oh, how awful! The girl, sweet thing, rubbed my arm and asked if I was all right. Yes, yes. Thank you so much. Oh my God, thank you.
We managed to come inside and sit on the bench together. Eamon must have sensed his Mama was way off kilter because he just laid his head against my chest and stayed there while I cried for a good 5 minutes. Sarah came and we all hugged. I took a bunch of Aconite 200C.

That was awful. I thought for sure some one had taken my son. I've been slightly quakey and emotional all afternoon. However, I've done a load of hard outdoors work today to burn all that adrenalin out of my system. Thank God for the little angel College Girl whom I've never seen before but just walked up to me silently and handed me little Eamon who was equally silent. Or maybe it just seemed that way.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think ditchdiggers should try watching four children for a half hour to see what exaustion really is.

7:05 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, I am SO sorry for what you went through--and god bless the college girl (that's got her own, that's got her own . . .)

(If we can find her, let's all of us go and squeeze her . . . and give her a College Inn pizza?!)

Honestly, rest well and breathe all right, and I'm sorry you had to have that experience.

8:16 AM


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