Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Doula job done, more house obsessing

Where is my personal chef? I'm very hungry and don't have the imagination to come up with a good lunch. I love food. I even love cooking most of the time. But right now I'm very hungry and I want some savvy nutritionist/chef to whip me up a fine green salad and a tasty wrap sandwich.
However, at the moment I have questionable ham ("eat or freeze by 5/10/2006" um, that's today) and no greens, but plenty of wraps. Some cheese but in a big block. Too lazy to slice it.

My doula client had her baby yesterday. The called me from the hospital at midnight and the baby was born 4 minutes later. I arrived 15 minutes later. She labored entirely at home and gave me updates throughout the day but never needed any home support. She was trying not to push in the car and when they tried to check her in triage, they found a baby crowning.
I was a little bummed because it was a rare occasion that I had excellent child care (my mom came at 9pm and stayed the night) and I had someone coming in the morning to take Sarah to school. I ended up back home by 3am and up at 7am anyway, getting Sarah ready for school. Hell, I was even showered and dressed by 8am. A little disappointing when I have all my ducks in such a perfect row and then I miss the birth.

Ah well. I stayed for the immediate post partum period and helped mama in the shower and baby nursing (acutally the smart little girl knew just how to nurse!). I did realize that even the best hospital birth situation (namely, birthing as soon as you get there so no one throws all their interventions at you) left me cold. The nurses work in this detached routinized (is that a proper word?) fashion that made me want to scream.
I realize nurses are totally over-worked and under-appreciated, but they also have the emotional tact of a greasy spoon, chain-smoking waitress with no time for sentimentality. I get this. However, birth is such a huge, intimate event, and no one there treats it as such.
I'm not gonna go into details, but it made me really realize that I'm not cut out for hospital doula work anymore. They treated the mom in this horrid, condescending manner and then wouldn't help her with basic care things like walking to the shower (her whole body trembling from the hard work of labor), getting into a shower that she was forced to take only because the nurse wanted to make the bed. Argh. It was annoying and I was astounded at how no one cared about the mom once the baby was out. Not to say they treated the baby much better. The baby could have been a large sausage roll for all the nurse cared. Ugh. I'm far too home birthy to hang out in the assembly line of detached hospital care.
So note to self: even though you're broke, re-think taking on doula clients.

But please send me some home birth clients that are normal, healthy, joyful beings!

And there you go. That's been my last 2 days. I cleaned the windows inside and out with soapy water followed by vinegar and water. It's a task I hate but the windows look so good! and I laid down a bunch of ground cover tarpy stuff to kill the weeds in this one bed near the fence topped with new mulch. I've been going to town around here lately. Just need to get the veggie garden planted. Maybe this weekend I'll get back to Coleman's (hurray for Ypsi Colemans! so cheap, so nice!) and get the rest of my plants. I've not got the patience to plant seeds. I can never tell if it's the plant coming up or weeds coming up and end up pulling out everything.

All right, I'm off to eat something before I keel over.


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