Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Notary Woes

The NARM portfolio process is schtuuuuuuuuuuuuupid!
It's so bulky and repetitive and .....it makes me crazy.
I was so pleased with myself yesterday, getting one midwife signature out of the way and notarized. This afternoon I just realized there's like 4 other forms that I need to copy and add to notary pile.
And I'm scared to lug the book around with me. I have this horrible nightmare that someone will break into my car to steal my bag, and with it my blood, sweat and tears of the last 4 years.

Yesterday, while adding up how many births I went to with each midwife, I finally realized how special those numbers are. Because try as one might not to get fixated on numbers while going through the PEP process, I realized I did. There were 31 births with Mer, 20 with Mic, and 35 with A.S. That's 86 births. New life. Well, actually, one of those was a sweet little still born. Amazing. I know midwives can get pretty snarky with their numbers and all, but I really came back to the ground and was in awe of all that I have seen, of the women I've attended, of the power and life that I was witness to. Lucky me. Really.

Greg went to go see that movie V for Vendetta (is that right?). He was sitting around on the lap top while I got Eamon down for a nap, fixed lunch, did laundry, did paperwork, etc. He announced: I'm going to the movies. I'm bored.
I said: That's great. Wow, why have I never thought of that? I'm bored quite often. It never occured to me to go out by myself and treat myself to a movie. Good for you, sweetie.
(is that that new thing called sarcasm?)
Really, I don't care. I have no desire to see that movie. And I wouldn't get someone to watch Eamon so I could go. Just not my thing. And since I really had nothing for Greg and I to do together, be gone with you!

All right, back to obsessing over my porfolio and its never-ending details. It's like some Jim Henson Labryinthe-style book. Every time you open it some new, dumb-ass thing pops out and makes you realize you've got to jet to Kinkos once again, before tracking down a very busy midwife and dragging her to a notary in a town where parking is extremely hard to find.

I'll be so glad when I don't have to deal with all these numbers, dates, details any more.
It's kind of like being pregnant: You're initially afraid of labor, until all those weeks pass and you're big as a house and you'd walk on hot coals to get your baby out. No more fear.
Same here: Initially afraid of the porfolio process and the exam, but by the time you've written your name, date, birth date and social security number on 45 pages, and by the time you've attended many births, and by the time you've finished all paperwork, you're screaming: "Bring it on! Please!"


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