Tuesday, March 28, 2006

recommended reading

I've been reading TerryPratchett lately. Greg has been reading him for years. Every time I had tried in the past,I just couldn't stay into it. He writes a kind of fantasy fiction that is not all goofy-ass unicorns and fairys shite. He's heee-larious! Seriously, it's this great, tongue-in-cheek English humor that makes me want to tell all my friends one-liners from what I have read. But I don't because I can't remember them (there's so many!) and I don't want to be that annoying person.
BUT, I highly recommend his books. I've just read Guards!Guards! and Feet of Clay (which is the sequal to Guards!). It was 3am this morning and I couldn't sleep so I started reading again and woke Eamon up from shaking the bed with my stifled laughter. Seriously, it's that funny.

Vanessa, if you are reading this, you should try reading his stuff. It's cheap-o paperbacks for $4.95 a pop or something like that. Very good comic relief. I'm in love with the character of Sir Samuel Vimes~ he's awesome.

All right, I'm off now to go mess around on the lap top.Greg installed some free trial of Norton security on there (despite the fact that I just bought a year's subscription to McAfee~he never listens to details, this man). Now I can't open anything with a login or password. Which makes using email impossible. I'm about to launch the damn thing out the front door. I'm removing the program entirely. What is the point of internet security if it's so good at blocking stuff that you can't even check your email? Why would they do this to simple people like myself?


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