Friday, February 10, 2006

Surly drunk girl

Gee, doesn't she look friendly? This picture makes me laugh. I was very, very drunk and was sitting at a table making my brother's friends laugh. I got up and tripped on this huge tent post (it was an outdoor summer party with a party tent), whipped around and had my picture taken as I bitched about the bad placement of tent posts.

At any rate, the above picture has nothing to do with anything.
I've been a complete freak about packing. I feel like we have so much crap to take with us on our trip. We have a suitcase Greg and I are sharing, i smaller suitcase each for Sarah and Eamon. Then a toiletries bag, a bag with DVD player and lots of movies, a bag of snacks, a bag of books and magazines. And then, we get to see what my MIL is bringing to stuff into the rented mini van of fun.

Ooo, doggy! I am getting excited! And a wee bit stressed. It will be all right though.

I borrowed a huge stack of old Midwifery Today magazines to take with me. Now that I'm not immersed in constant apprenticeship prenatal/business meeting/post partum/birth land, I can actually enjoy midwifery theory. Ahhh.
And when I get bored with that, there's always my trusty sudoku puzzles. I'm such a dork.
I better go get Sarah from school. We've got this pizza party thing to attend afterward at the school and I so don't want to participate. Gotta go wake Eamon.


Blogger leaner said...

lol at the picutre, but not just the picture, the story to go along with the picture. not exactly how I pictured you (is this a recent pic... if so you at least have a life- sort of... unlike me. no life, no coolness left.)
the haircut in that pic totally makes me want to chop mine all off. i was once a girl with millions of hairstyles, now its longer and i am so afriad to cut it (will it add to the depression, as its taken 5 yrs to get it this long? or would it make me feel more free?! AH dilemna!)
Ok, I am totally done babbling for now!

4:23 PM

Blogger Mid-life Midwife said...

No, not a recent pic at all! 10 years ago. I kept my hair v.v. short for many years and only since having Eamon have I "let it grow". It's this Dutch boy looking thing now~just above my shoulders. Don't know what I'm letting it grow into, but I'll get there.
And as far as having a life goes: no, not a party one at any rate! although I did go out "for a couple beers" with a friend and ended up breaking my glasses by stepping on them. I had 3 (huge) mugs of beer. pathetic! but fun!

3:11 PM


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