Friday, January 27, 2006

NARM woes

Can I just say the the thought of taking the NARM skills exam scares the crap out of me?
I hate "acting out" scenarios and what I would do next stuff. Ay yi yi.
Someone who just took it said to study the skills exam book forward and back and passed but said she knew someone who didn't study it at all, who just took it on the fly and did not pass.
The people I know who are CPMs have various things to say about it, from being grim and telling me to study a lot to these slappy gals who say: No big deal!!
Yep, I is not so smart and I needs to study a lot. Especially when I get very nervous.
So what the hell am I doing wasting time on this dry blog when my kiddo is sleeping?
I am off to get a cup of tea, a handful of chocolate chips and my study book.
Study, study, study. And then meditate on staying calm during studying b/c what ends up happening are small panic attacks of: What am I doing?! I don't this shit! Our practice doesn't do this! Why don't I know this? What kind of midwife am I going to be?! I'll never get my CPM!
followed by thoughts of picking up smoking again, drinking too much coffee and nervously cleaning my house.
Not gonna go there.
We're gonna stay calm. Grounded. Ugh, I hate that tests make me so neurotic. It's so embarassing too. Especially in a county that has 3 colleges and me knowing way too many over-educated people. Makes me want to strap my apron back on and say: "Hi, can I get you somethng to drink?Our soup today is..."


Blogger leaner said...

I am sure you will be an awesome midwife, I mean if Tammy put her trust in you- then you must be awesome!
Good Luck on the NARM tests. Study lots, and heck a few cups of coffee won't hurt the studying!

3:54 PM

Blogger Mid-life Midwife said...

thank you for your comments, and welcome to my oh-so-exciting life! ha!
i feel like i partially know you from tammy. :)

6:08 PM

Blogger TLC said...

I wish I had some good advice on the studying, but I's like you on the studying - freak out!

But I do know you will do just fine and become that baby catcher you envision. You apprenticed w/ very-on-top-of-their-shit-women and have been to a boat load of different births to have absorbed more knowledge than you realize!

Heart and hands is all you really need!

8:50 PM

Blogger Kate said...

oh, dear. i can completely relate to freaking our abou exams.....kinda why i havent taken my nationals (roll of the eyes).
but i need to say something (and as always you can tell my outspoken ass to shove it where the sun dont shine) as far as being in a town of the over educated you are just as smart as any of those people just in differnt ways. they decided to (or had to) pay thousands of $ to become a subject specialist in the field of their choice and you decided to put the time in and pay your dues in an apprenticeship to become a subject specialist in the field of your choice. they are no smarter, they just jumped thru different hoops. (we life next to a double phd. in icktheology and evolutionalry sciences and donn found out that he knows justa s much if not more about the big picture of biology and sciences than our neighbor by just being well read) REMEMBER you are an amazing smart well-read caring midwife and person. i know taking tests suck ass but you can get thru it.
and honestly i would love for you to honor your inner waitress give her a big hug, thank her for all she has taught you and let her go. you are a midwife and that's that. can tell me to go stick it now ;)...

11:40 PM


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