Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Blood talk

Have you ever had one of those periods where you feel like you're hemorrhaging? That's where I am today. Fortunately, no cramps and yesterday's headache went away. But man, every time I get up or move...blub blub blub. That may be TMI, but women's bodies never cease to amaze me.
What makes one period heavier than another? Why have I gone from my usual 31-32 day cycle down to 27 days? And why is it that even though it's a heavier period, it still lasts just as long? Doesn't seem fair.
At Target this moring I ran across a product called Instead. It's a 24 pack of disposables Keepers, essentially.
I was very tempted to buy it. (if you're not inthe know, the Keeper is a little rubber cup you place at your cervix to catch your menstrual blood. you dump it, wash it, put it back in. I've been very tempted to get one, but it's not something I remember but once a month.)
At the Washtenaw County Baby Fair last fall, a RN had on display various women's products from incontinence problems to travel bidets to period paraphenilia. She had the Instead product and explained that it was for "women who are on their periods, want to have sex, but their husbands don't know, the bloody mess." WTF? I had to laugh my cynic's laugh. Because I'm sorry, if you want to stick your penis in me when I'm on my period (and if of course, I welcome said penis) then you're gonna have to deal with the mess. Sorry. Again, TMI. That was just craziness to me.
So I saw Instead at Target (and what a ridiculous name! Instead? Instead of what? Instead of bleeding all over the place? ) and saw that it is advertised as a catch for the blood, but is disposable. So why not just buy a Keeper? You're still being wasteful by using a disposable product, so why not pay $20 more and get something you never have to throw away? I was intrigued, and I as I said, really wanted to try it. Instead,
I bought a pack of Target-brand teeth-whitening strips for a few dollars more.
Besides, I still have around 347 Kotex left from the Sam's Club box of pads my mom bought for me as I prepared for Eamon's birth.


Blogger leaner said...

I have used Instead, but not the Keeper. I wanted to be able to try them out (and not feel totally bad about throwing them away if it didn't work for me.)

And also a TTC friend of mine told me to use them to help keep the swimmers up there. (I think it must have worked because I did get pg that cycle...)

I am all for the keeper or diva cup (is that what its called?) and plan on buying one when my cycles resume.

~leaner (TLC's hubby's cousin.)

3:53 PM


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