Friday, July 13, 2007


Tonight my good friend and assistant is having a midwifery blessingway for me.
I'm so excited to have a chance to hang out with a bunch of great women (friends, family, senior midwives) in the same room. And of course it will be a potluck and food genuinely makes me happy, happy. So it will be a good night. I even got a sitter for the kids so G can come. He's not thrilled to be forced to sit in with a bunch of women. I told him he can hang out with K's husband and dip in on the celebration as needed/or as he can stand it. (Gushy, emotional things are very uncomfortable for him, unless it's between he and I in the privacy of our own home)

I just received a gift of sorts that made me tear up. A client of mine who had her baby a few months ago just emailed me new photos of her family and baby with the kindest words about her birth. She had recently sat in at a mom's group and they all shared their birth stories. She was the only one in 7 women who felt completely empowered and positive about her birth experience. That's very sad. She was also the only to have chosen a home birth.

So many things are changing around us. Life is good. Money is tight but not too tight. Bills are being paid and we're all happy and healthy.
Definitely feeling blessed in so many ways.


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