Sunday, January 07, 2007

IUD info for Leaner and anyone else interested

So Leaner has asked about the IUD.
I'll tell you why I chose what I chose and what I think about it 3 months out.

I chose the plain Jane copper IUD because:
it's the most commonly used contraceptive world-wide with the least amount of side effects.
And has been used for a long time.

it's effective.

I chose the basic IUD over the synthetic hormone-releasing one because I hate the idea of synthetic hormones in my body (Which is why I don't take a pill or shot).
I hate the idea of screwing with my cycles. I don't mind monthly periods and think that we should bleed every month!

The side-effects:
none really.
Spotting in between periods. Nothing big. Usually spotting after sex.

Was able to have sex the day of insertion without any problem.

Periods were a little heavier. Some women get increased cramping with periods. I didn't.
Also, the heavier periods only lasted the first two cycles and has seemed to become more normal and regular for me.

You reach inside and feel for the tips of the strings (which hang out of your cervix by a mere 1-2 cm) after each period just to make sure the thing isn't coming out (which is rare). I felt for the strings the day before my period was due and freaked out b/c they felt longer. Turns out it was fine~ but my uterus was heavier and the strings seemed longer because of that. Made a useless trip to the doctor just to make sure.

So there you go, IUD information.
Let me know if you have any questions!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks! I haven't been able to find anyone else that actually has one. Weird, because I hear about them all the time.
I am going to try the hormone one, because well, not having a monthly period DOES appeal to me. I did want to avoid the hormones, but the idea of not having a period and possibly NOT having the lovely wonderful pms to go with it.(I hope I hope I hope!)which was the main reason that the pill does NOT appeal, the hormonal flux during the month is worse! That and I am so not good at anything I need to do daily. Okk, I have babbled on long enough I think!

4:30 PM


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