Thursday, December 07, 2006

at Mr. Senior Guy's house, bored

I'm at Mr. Senior Guy's house. He's taking a nap and I'm supposed to wake him at 9pm. I've read both the Enquierer and the Globe. I've learned all about Pam Anderson splititing with Kid Rock and other vital news. (just reread and realized I typed "splititing" re:P. Anderson, was going to change but assumed it was subconcious humor slipping out. Plus, it's fun to say: spliTITing)
I forgot to bring my water so am drinking a Diet Coke. Tsk, tsk.

I got to take a nap today which was lovely. I only slept 3-4 very interupted hours once I did go to bed. Eamon woke me up a lot and then eventually woke up completely at 4:30 am where we went to the living room where I put on Shrek and tried to sleep a little more with him next to me. But it makes me nuts to fall asleep with any noise like TV or radio, so it wasn't so great.
So the nap was such a treat.

If all goes as it is planned right now, I think I have tomorrow completely off from all work. My 2-5 has rescheduled for Monday and Mr. Senior Guy will hopefully go to his girlfriend's b-day party tomorrow night (she thought he didn't want to go and he somehow thought she didn't invite him, although he knew she mentioned it). I played (hopefully) the fixer-upper and told him she'd really like him to go (she would) and he should consider it. He complained (but very weakly) that women think men are mind-readers and they should just SAY what they want. I told him I too, was guilty of forgetting people couldn't read my mind. Silly women. Grin. Think he was very pleased to know he was invited after all.
I brought his girlfriend a present of a single bamboo plant in a stem vase and a row of pretty colored glass candle holders for tea lights. $6 altogether from IKEA this afternoon, but I wanted to get her something. Mr. Senior Guy said he was never one to buy cards and gifts but he did remember to say happy birthday to her today. Ugh. I'm married to a man of little effort when it comes to any holidays or birthdays so I wanted to kick him, but refrained.

So with any luck, in a perfect world, I will have tomorrow completely off. Client will go into a lovely, buttery labor resulting in gorgeous birth, healthy baby and mama. Home in time for the annual birth worker holiday party (that I grumbled about avoiding but since my evening looks much lighter might have to eat my words and make a show for a little while). :)

Have arranged to have S. try out a local learning center for additional help with her reading. It's very reasonable and the method seems much to my liking. We're going to check it out this Saturday morning.
Sunday we have the church pageant, followed by a 1pm prenatal , followed by a trek to Royal Oak for MIL's belated birthday get together. Should make a cake for her too.

I'm so bored. Off to google random information for lack of anything else to do. Here is my much wanted free-time, right. And here I am complaining.


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