Monday, October 02, 2006

Saturday at the Historical Museum

Here's Elizabeth, Eamon, and Sarah on our Saturday trip to the new and improved Detroit Historical Museum. It was so fun. Very crowded, but with the kids in tow, I wouldn't have been able to read all I wanted anyway. It was a great day out.
Downstairs in the museum, they've recreated the streets of Detroit. First it's brick streets from the 1900s. Then it turns to wood streets (amazing!) for the 1870s. Lastly, there is cobblestones for the 1840s. Oh, and the stree lamps get dimmer as you go back in time, so that by the time we reached the cobblestone part of the "city" there were squawking toddlers falling down on the rocks because it was dimly lit and the rocks made you feel drunk!
We went to Mannogian Hall (sp?) at Wayne States Ethnic Studies building to see their various country-themed rooms. This Polack girl was pleased to see the Polish room, which was lovely. Here is a huge floor to ceiling mosaic made of all marble.
Here is a sample of the wood streets.
Saturday night I went for drinks down at the Corner Brewery with some good friends. Oddly enough there was a full-on wedding reception going on, complete with foo-foo bride and groom, cake, white table cloths and candles, a jazz band and a photo collage on a screen of the bride and groom. We made way for the bar despite this and asked if the bar was open to the public. The bartenders are so young there! We were given the: Yeah, I guess so... answer that was good enough for us. We got some up and down, who-the-hell-are-you? glances but kept quiet at the bar and didn't try to get any wedding cake, despite how good it looked.
I wonder how much they paid for that place and surely, they wanted it to be closed to the public. But no one said a thing, which is good. I do this twice a year. I drank 3 beers and felt hungover in the morning. Crazy. I used to drink mad amounts of booze and be fine on 2 hours of sleep. I slept for 9 hours and was dehydrated and headachey in the morning.
I have a consult for someone due in May this Sunday coming. Seems like a nice woman. Had a nice, long phone conversation. Feels good.
All right, little E is napping and I need to study and figure out dinner before getting Sarah, going to the foot doctors (we are in the middle of weeks long plantar wart therapy~my secret is OUT! It's taking forever!), then home for 1/2 hour for dinner and out the door for work tonight.
I really want bean soup and might just make it now so we can have it when I get in.


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