Friday, September 15, 2006

Friday Yadirf

Today is my long day doing senior care. For some reason the thought of it wears me out, but it's really not a big deal and I usually enjoy myself while there.
I've had Tuesday and Thursday off this week because my one client had to have some minor surgery. It was so nice to go to bed at 9pm and sleep, as opposed to my usual midnight when I'm working. And surprise, surprise, my back pain, which has been really intense for the last few weeks is totally gone when I'm able to get enough sleep.

Sarah is staying the night at a school friend's house tonight and then camping with Brownies for Saturday and Sunday. I hope she does okay and has lots of fun. I won't see her until Sunday at noon since I'll be gone when she gets home today. Crazy. My Little is growing up.
We packed her bag for camping. It's huge, but it contains nothing more than what is on the list.

Took both kids for their well child visits yesterday. As usual, my kids are off the chart with their hugeness. Their genetic brick-shithouse builds! Eamon is the same height and weight as Sarah was at his age. Sarah has always been in the 98% for height and weight and Eamon is following. I got lectured about wise shopping habits and no fast food, etc. from the doctor who takes a lot of home birth patients. This guy knows me and it bugged the crap out me being told how to read labels and cook as close to whole foods as I can and always try to steer clear of fast food. No kidding, pal. I know my daughter is chunky. My husband and his family are built like that. I was the same size at her age. I don't know why she's chunky. But I'm not going to freak out about it. I was told for years how fat I was by my dad (having a brother and a sister who were teeny tiny petite types). Greg is worried because he was a fat child, but not until they moved to the States when he was 9. It was totally emotional eating for him. I've seen pictures, he was a fat little bugger. He thinned out in highschool b/c he played so much sports.
Its not fair. I know plenty of skinny, skinny kids who live on crap. And here's my girl who eats pretty darn well (almost all home-cooked, no processed foods) and I feel I'm being accused of feeding her crap and letting her pig out. Its frustrating and hard. I will not harp on her weight or make any comments about it because I know all too well how detrimental that can be. We all exercise and eat well in this house. I don't know what more we can do.

Greg read my blog for the first time ever after I sent him a link to read the Bloody Confusion post. He didn't say anything, but was very sweet and just gave me a big hug, which was all I wanted. We shall see. I feel no pressing need to talk about baby making right now. Just wanted to get it off my chest.

All right. I have laundry to fold and things to get into order before I leave for the day.

My sister came by today after a doctors appointment with the news that she will have a partial hysterectomy in October to remove her very inflamed, troublesome uterus. Its so inflamed one can feel it over her pubic bone as if she were 3 months pregnant. Poor thing has 16 day cycles and a lot of pain. Not to mention anemia with periods, and hemorrhage-like blood loss and clots. Has been this way for months. It seems the right thing to do at this point. Shes had other therapies for this in the past and she just wants to be done with it.


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