Saturday, August 19, 2006

Yesterday I was doing an early Heritage Festival walk-thru with my neighbor and the kids when I got a call on my cell from Dr. Joy Brown's assistant telling me I was a finalist in their contest to win a Sleep Number bed! My neighbor Elizabeth had sent me the link 2 days before to enter. You had to write in 50 words or less why you deserved this bed. I wrote about being a young, hard working family. How my husband has a hard, physical labor job and how wonderful it would be to win this bed for our August 23rd anniversary. So they put me on the air and I got to talk to Joy Brown, and as a finalist, I won 2 of their fancy Sleep Number pillows! I'll find out on the 29th if we won the bed. It was so funny, so fast and so surreal. We were standing in Frog Island while I was on hold, E. and I screeching like 13 year old girls: "I can't believe it!" I won two pillows, you'd have thought it was a sports car. Good stuff!

On other fronts, I am hoping like mad that the senior program I am working with calls me Monday with more hours to work. Things are looking potentially dismal. Well, they are dismal, financially. I was going to submit my directory listing and money for a local website for birth workers and yet again, it'll have to wait. Whatever, the pissy part of me is in no rush to give those people my money, but on the other hand, it would be good for business.
So I'm really praying things work out with some kind of work coming together very soon. The senior program would be wonderful, I think. It seems very fliexible and a great way to fill in the gaps. I'm trying to stay positive and not get pissy/stressed.
It's hard though. Sarah's birthday is in 2 weeks and I still need to get some new things for school. I'll probably try to get to Once Upon a Child and see if I can get anything decent there. I must go w/o kids though. I don't want to shop for clothes with them in tow. Much better if I just come home with some instead of arguing in in the store with my strong-willed, up-and-coming fashion designer.

I've received a few emails lately via my website, and every time I get excited, like it's some pregnant woman considering my services. Instead, it's women looking to become midwives, wondering what path to take. It's sad because everyone of them has been meek, and overly apologetic. Saying things like, "I hope I'm not bothering you..." or "Forgive me if I'm over-stepping any boundaries..." Grrrr. This just goes to show how some of the old-school ladies come off to people. It makes my blood boil because I can remember myself being so intimidated and apologetic when I first started off. This whole, "excuse me for existing, but can you tell me how to start?" And the ones that were bolder and demanded respect from these midwives even though they had less experience were shot down as being "too cocky", "too much".
I hope I will always do my best to find the time to be helpful and kind to these women.
Even if it's to say, "I'm really busy, but maybe this person can help you..."
It seems my part to play midwife-school-guidance-counselor lately. It's fun, because these women are so excited and passionate about this work. It reminds me why I'm still struggling to make a go of it all.

I need to go. We're supposed to walk in the H.F. parade today but its been raining all morning. I told Sarah we weren't going b/c of the weather but got wittled down to saying we could if the rain stopped. It's stopped and we should be down to the start line in 20 minutes. We're all in our pjs...


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