Monday, July 24, 2006

breezy Monday

Here's a new and wonderful blog:
It shows pictures of post-pregnant bodies and also bodies of women who have lost a lot of weight. No on ever talks about this, let alone shows it. Bravo to them for boldly showing themselves off with pride. I've never really had to deal with weight issues much, but I've certainly dealt with body image issues. Working with women of all shapes and sizes over the last 5 years helped me love who I am and to also love all body types. Our culture has us so set up to be repulsed by anything larger than a waif. Its terrible. I also just watched Pink's video "Stupid Girl", which someone posted on that blog and its excellent! Check it out, it's a good, cynical laugh.

In other news, everyone is feeling better (although Sarah still has a cough). Greg was called-off work today, but things are looking up as they're getting busy again post-Big3-summer layoff.
He and Sarah are at the library. Eamon's napping and I'm feeling sluggish. I'm waiting on one doula client to have her baby~ she's not due til Friday, so it could be some time yet. Her doctor asked her at 39 weeks if she wanted to set up her day to be induced!!! ARGH!!! WTF? This is a woman who had her first on her due date! Why on earth would you schedule your induction date at 39 weeks? The hospital is Mars. Completely foreign to me. She declined and said she'd wait til the baby was ready. I have a feeling she'll get an epidural as soon as she can, unless the labor is quick. She's pretty much said as much. I'm fine with an epidural. It just amazes me that people who know that they'll get one as soon as they can will pay for a doula's services. They're a lovely couple at any rate. I'm anxious about night time childcare as usual. My mom is around this week, but will be gone Friday thru Monday. It will all work out though. It always does.

After this birth, I have a first-time mom, doula client due mid-August and then a homebirth in early September. Then nada. I'm trying to schedule a time to have a tooth repaired/ a crown put on for the end of September. I can't do it when I'm on call b/c I'm too anal. I know that if I had to send back-up while my butt is in a dentist's chair, I'd go nuts. However, I also know that the likelihood of that happening is very slim. Just the same, I'm waiting til end of September.

Went to Target yesterday with my sister and the kids. Did some back to school shopping. 24 count of Crayola crayons only 20 cents! 10 spiral bound notebooks for $1! Oooo-whee! Love a bargain. Also got her a very cute Hello Kittie back pack for $10. I'm a sucker for office supplies.

I had horrible, recurring nightmares last night that woke me up twice. One of those lovely some strange man is trying to murder my family dreams. (I have these a few times a year, where some stranger comes in quickly through the door and goes straight to my kids to strangle them.) Last night, I had just had a baby. It was the 1st day postpartum and one of my senior midwives was doing a 24 hour visit. The big stanger came in and murdered her while I got Greg from another part of the house. After strangling the midwife he grabbed Eamon. It was awful. I fought him off and then woke up, petrified. I woke up full of adrenalin. Went back to sleep and dreamed the same dream in another scenario. Went back to sleep praying for peace in my head.
Don't know what that's all about. Have to think about it. I talked to my therapist months ago about it, I can't remember what she thought.


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