Saturday, September 08, 2007


Have a lovely 8 year old's Little House on the Prairie party with no fights, burnt hot dogs, bee stings, or duplicate presents. CHECK

Start the first day of school with minimal melt downs about not being able to wear cute wool mini skirt with cardigan on first day because it's 90 degrees out. CHECK

Start new car pool with another kid (I get mornings, her mom gets afternoons) and arrive ON TIME both days this week. Woo hoo! CHECK

Write one of 3 articles I need to get out before The Birth Project's deadline (September 15, you birth writers) CHECK

Back out of insane business proposal. (Well not necessarily insane, just not funded) CHECK

Clean closets and get rid of two big bags of clothes. Realize I don't have any clothes to wear this winter but stop myself from buying new clothes(this week) CHECK

Signed up for Door-to-Door Organics to be dropped at our house bi-weekly. Hope we will actually prepare/eat the stuff. CHECK

Waiting, waiting, waiting for a primip to go into labor. PLEASE go into labor and have a wonderful labor and healthy, lovely birth! Her baby's head is soooo low, it's about a 3 inches in her vagina, I swear. Good vibes and prayers towards that please.
I'm getting gray hairs waiting for her, poor thing. I would love to put a CHECK here.

Good night!


Blogger Unknown said...

door to door organics? is it only an ypsi/ann arbor thing?

2:34 PM

Blogger Mid-life Midwife said...

it's more of a south-eastern michigan thing?
Check it out. I'm not thrilled that the produce isn't local and still has to travel quite a ways. I don't know how long we'll stick with it. I just liked the idea of shopping less and of course, someone bringing it to my door!

11:10 AM


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