Saturday, April 14, 2007

tax blogging in Hindi

Wow, Blogger has a new thing where you can blog in Hindi. You type the English equivalent and it translates into Hindi for you. Very tempting. Just think of the expanded readership I could bore, updating about my busy, but not very exciting life.
Hindi *looks* lovely, for what its worth.

Here's what's new:
Waiting for a sweet primip to go into labor while hoping my lady with baby #3 doesn't go early. My assistant got her doula births out of the way, which makes me much more relaxed. While I could definitely find a last-minute back up assistant, it would've been someone my client has not met yet and I would hate that.

My mother-in-law started chemo yesterday. She's had our daughter at her house for the last 3 days staying the night. They get along beautifully and have lots of fun and chill time together. It's a nice break for S not having E interrupt her all the time. It also gives her a chance at good one-on-one time with another adult. While there she's lost a tooth, I'm told.
My mother-in-law will have a mastectomy performed when chemo is done.
Scary stuff. Pray she escapes this cancer.

Today I pick up S. I miss her and I'm kind of bummed that I didn't get to see her most of Spring break. E really misses her and is bored with her gone.

I quit my cleaning job. Or at least, I told them I needed to be done and have agreed to work 2 more weeks. I've been cleaning for them for SEVEN years. Ack, I can't believe it. I'm thankful for the money. It's really not horrible to do and it has literally bought our groceries on more than one occasion. However, I feel like I have too many pots on the stove and I'm getting tired of not being home on week day nights to put my kids to bed. So in two weeks, I'll be home on Wednesdays and Saturday evenings. I'll still be doing Mr. Senior Guy M, T, Th, and F but that's okay.
Just having that one week day night to get S from school, make dinner, and then be able to STAY HOME... it's like the best chocolate bar.

My days have been filled with doing a lot of driving to prenatals. I've had 3 different women show up with signs of possible UTIs. I myself got one, was too busy to treat it, and then ended up with a frickin' kidney infection last week. Can UTI *bugs* exist and travel?!
Another client is having possible liver stress, which is stressing me out. I gave her a lab req a couple of months ago that she never got done. So I sent her a new one with more tests on it. I hate reading lab diagnostic books because it's like reading a language I'm only somewhat fluent in. Like every 10th word or so I have to consult a medical dictionary just to make sure it's what I think it is. Which takes up a lot of time. And I can't read this stuff when home and some little boy is waving a hair-covered string cheese in my face while asking me to sing the Batman theme song over and over again. After cleaning Wednesday night, I went to Borders and sat on the floor with a stack of lab diagnostic books and a medical dictionary and felt more at peace than I have in weeks. I stayed there 45 minutes or so and it was divine.

I have a list of things I should be doing. I woke at 5:30 this morning to figure out my first year in paying quarterly taxes. Its ridiculous that one is supposed to estimate how much they think they will make. At least people like me who has no clue when the phone will ring, when I'll get hired, or how much I'll get paid. I have no idea. Add to that having a sliding pay scale for clients based on income and doing a hugely discounted birth...I just don't know. I think I've got it figured out and I need to get it in the mail today.

This morning I have a prenatal, followed by a meeting with a new assistant to show her my birth bags. Then I have to drive to my MIL to get S. Which will turn into hours of gabbing and drinking tea while the kids destroy the house. I'll get back late as I always do, with two tired, hungry kids at bedtime.

All right, off to do something more productive before E wakes up for the day.

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