Sunday, December 16, 2007

snow! a lot of it!


We've been hit by this massive snow storm. Judging by what is piled on my car, maybe 6-8 inches right now. It's still snowing and the wind is blowing too, so a lot of drifting. Little E is up with me and says the snow is scary. I was excited to show him but he's not so into it. S will be thrilled when she wakes up. Once she gets up I'll be out there shoveling the drive way.

Poor G (who works in a rail way shipping yard) had to drive to work this morning at 6am, and will have to try to load cars onto trains in this crap. Even though G has worked there for 14 years, my mother asked me if G would be working inside or out today. This made me and S laugh.
I said, "There *is* no inside! It's a huge 2 mile parking lot and a set of about 6 train tracks."
S said, "Yes there is, Mom. There's that guy who works the gate in that little box!" (The guy who allows the semi carhaulers into the yard. It's a 3X3 shanty with a space heater.)
Of course there is an office for the managers, and a breakroom with bathrooms, but essentially there is no inside work.

I must admit how I laughed at myself seeing how crappy my photo of the snow was. Last year when I worked for Mr. Senior Guy, I helped sort through *years and years* of photos. There was a stack of "snow" photos from every winter he's been alive for, I swear. I couldn't throw any of them away. Instead I had to use a magnifying glass to see the teeny tiny date in the corner and then put them into photo books according to the year. A whole book filled with driveways before and after they'd been shoveled, and poor Mr. Senior Guy's cat year after year, no doubt thrown into the snow for the photo just so the viewer could see how deep the snow was in comparison. (Like the coin next to some strange object to show proportion.)
The funny thing is, I know why he took them. They must have been very impressive snow storms like the one we're in right now. But unless you've got a really nice camera (and know how to use it), trying to capture how deep, or how lovely the snow is is just about impossible. But I did it this morning. Guilty, just like every other Michigander who is truly impressed, year after year, with the big dumped-on snow storms.
It's a good thing we got rid of the cats. I could be getting silly with the camera.
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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, I am so jealous in view of the fact that I live in a part of the world where we seldom get rain. Safe driving! I know trying to get anywhere in snow isn't fun but I still crave it each winter.

9:16 AM


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