Monday, October 15, 2007

PMS- so THAT'S my problem!

I don't know how this happens, but it does, nearly every other month.
I get all moody, introspective and tired. I can't shake the leaden feeling that brings. I wonder what is wrong with me.
And then it dawns on me, I should be starting my period soon. Damn PMS. Of course I have a period every month, but I only get PMS-y every other month or so.
I spend at least 24 hours brooding, before I realize that this is all hormone-induced, and then lighten up as a result of that realization.

My MIL's plane just landed (so strange how you can check that out online. It said plane landed at 2:28. I looked at the computer's clock and it said 2:28~ crazy). I have to get her from the airport in an hour or so after she clears customs. Which means S coming home from school and my appearing at the airport should happen at the same time. Damn. I think I'll have to get S out of school early. She'll be upset about that.

Must go drag E into the car to get S to pick up M.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello....I can totally relate to how you are feeling and it does me the world of good to read that someone else feels the way I do right before my period.
I drop things, I feel "spacey", I crave..have to have..carbs and chicken wings...and I am sure the rest of the world are definetly without a doubt IDOITS and more. I want to paint and draw and metitate and think and dream very werid and intense dreams. Sometimes I am wondering if I am a liability to my clients (I am a Midwife) but it seems to me that I am PMSing when I do my off call clinic weeks...thank the goddess. The first day of my period isn't too bad but by the second day..occasionally the first...I HAVE TO SLEEP and I will fall asleep at the drop of a hat...sigh...sometimes the bloating is awful. And I can not bear tight clothing (the stuff that was just fine before is now WAY TO BLOODY TIGHT). In fact a sarong is just fine and I don't care how cold it is outside. And then I cry.
I am there now...can you tell?

11:27 PM


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