Wednesday, May 07, 2008


Over the weekend our daughter performed in her first dance recital. She did awesome and had a great time. Those costumes looked like something from the Solid Gold dancers.
Besides that, we all had a good time watching loads of kids performing the acts they've practiced for months. Amazing kids.

I received a book in the mail from Midwifery Today. It's written by my former preceptor and friend, Mickey Sperlich, and her research partner, Julia Seng. Check it out.
These women have spent years working with survivors of sexual and physical abuse, both as midwives and researchers. I can't wait to start this book! It's been years in the making and it's so wonderful it's finally out for the public to read, heal and learn from.

This week the annual Midwifery Today conference is in Ann Arbor. I'm going to try to attend tomorrow's pre-con workshop if no one is having a baby. *fingers crossed!*
It's $165 to get in the door and you don't get it refunded if you get called to a birth! Doesn't seem fair for a midwifery conference, does it?

All right, I'm off. It's getting harder and harder to update the blogs. We've been spending a lot of time outside and I'm loving it.


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